LESSON 03 – Autorefractor

Also read about retinoscopy here.


Generally, I lead straight with positioning as most patients understand this procedure. If they ask, here is my go-to explanation:

Vamos a medir su ojos para obtener un punto de partida para sus lentes.
We are going to measure your eyes to obtain a starting point for your glasses
Vamos a medir su ojos…We are going to measure your eyes…
…para obtener un punto de partida……to obtain a starting point…
…para sus lentes.for your glasses.


Read a detailed lesson about positioning here.

Ponga su barbilla aquí, por favor.Place your chin here, please.
Ponga la frente aquí, por favor.Place your forehead here, please.


Mire el globo aerostático.

Look at the hot air balloon.

Mire el granero.

Look at the barn

Mire el centro.

Look at the center.1


Abra sus ojos, por favorOpen your eyes, please.
No parpadee, por favor Don’t blink, please.


Most Autorefractor have a non-contact tonometer attached, please see Lesson 7 – Tonometry for instructions on how to carry that out.

1You can also say mire el blanco/objetivo or look at the target to be general, but this is not commonly used.