LESSON 02 – Positioning

One of the most foundational phrases you need to know is directing the patient where you need them to be. These are so important, that I created a Quizlet/Anki/Printable Sheet where you can take home and practice. These are regularly found at the bottom of every lesson.

Important Verbs and Vocabulary

To begin, I highly recommend committing to memory, either through practice or flashcards, the following words. I use these several times per patient when speaking to them and it makes the whole process a lot easier.

Mire…Look (formal)
Ponga…Place/put (formal)
Siga…Follow (formal)
Abra…Open (formal)
Gire…Turn (formal)
Muévase…Move (formal)

Waiting Room

Por favor, sígame.Please follow me.
Por aquí, por favor.This way, please.

Chair Positioning

Siéntense aquí, por favor.Sit down here, please.
Siéntese derecho, por favor.Sit up straight, please.
Muévase un poco hacia adelante, por favor.Move a little forward, please.
Muévase un poco para atrás, por favor.Move back a little, please.

Head Positioning


Ponga su barbilla aquí, por favor.Place your chin here, please.
Ponga la frente aquí, por favor.Place your forehead here, please.

Head Turning

No gire la cabeza, por favor.Don’t turn your head, please.
Gire la cabeza hacia arriba.

Turn your head up.
Gire la cabeza hacia la izquierda.

Turn your head left.
Mantenga la cabeza recta hacia adelante.

Keep your head facing forward.
Gire la cabeza hacia la derecha.

Turn your head right.
Gire la cabeza hacia abajo.

Turn your head down.

Eye Movement & Positioning


Abra sus ojos, por favorOpen your eyes, please.
Cierre sus ojos, por favorClose your eyes, please.
No parpadee, por favor Don’t blink, please.


Mire hacia arriba.

Look upwards.
Mire a la izquierda.

Look left.
Mire hacia adelante.

Look straight ahead.
Mire a la derecha.

Look right.
Mire hacia abajo.

Look down.


Mire la luz verde, por favor.Look at the green light, please.
Siga la luz con los ojos, por favor.Follow the light with your eyes, please.
Mire el globo aerostático, por favor.Look at the hot air balloon, please.


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